07:01:58: Package picked up by Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine)
07:01:59: Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) was running at break-neck speed and rounded a blind corner, stumbling upon a laser trip mine placed by Mac Nielson (npc3).  Luckily, Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) vaulted over it, only severing one foot.  Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) resumes delivery with package in tow, albeit slightly hobbling.
07:46:42: Roy Sharpton (eric) steadily took aim from a second story window as Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) ran by below.  Sweat dotting their forehead, Roy Sharpton (eric) inhaled sharply and squeezed the trigger.  It was a miss.  Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) resumes delivery, trying to ignore the echoing rifle shot and fragments of wall exploding just overhead.
07:46:46: Roy Sharpton (eric) steadily took aim from a second story window as Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) ran by below.  Sweat dotting their forehead, Roy Sharpton (eric) inhaled sharply and squeezed the trigger.  It was a miss.  Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) resumes delivery, trying to ignore the echoing rifle shot and fragments of wall exploding just overhead.
07:47:19: Roy Sharpton (eric) steadily took aim from a second story window as Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) ran by below.  Sweat dotting their forehead, Roy Sharpton (eric) inhaled sharply and squeezed the trigger.  It was a miss.  Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) resumes delivery, trying to ignore the echoing rifle shot and fragments of wall exploding just overhead.
07:47:23: Roy Sharpton (eric) tried to sneak on board Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine)'s ship but a security robot detected and repelled the attempt.  Leroy Palestine (leroypalestine) continues their delivery.
08:02:00: Package delivered by Leroy Palestine for $100,000