17:57:51: Package picked up by Shadowrabbit Clayguy
17:57:52: @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) was running at break-neck speed and rounded a blind corner, stumbling upon a laser trip mine placed by @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson).  Luckily, @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) vaulted over it, only severing one foot.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) resumes delivery with package in tow, albeit slightly hobbling.
18:01:17: There are automatic rifles and there are these.  The GZNKA tank killer is surprisingly light as @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) hefts it on their shoulder.  The rounds are known to puncture holes two feet wide through heavy ship armor, and are held in a backpack and fed via sling.  It is this reason alone that @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) has used it, targeting @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy)'s ship as it races across the horizon.  However, @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy)'s ship is not only retrofitted with two meter thick armor, but also an electronic shielding system.  @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson)'s rounds do find their way through the shields, but only make it one foot into the armor.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) dips their ship, skirting past @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) and giving them third degree thruster burns across half of their body.
19:01:51: @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) is impaled on a lengthy spear with a laser tip by @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) after a failed package theft attempt.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) resumes on their way.
20:02:05: @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) misses their double-fisted pistol shots.   A sad attempt involving a total of 24 rounds fired at @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy).  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) resumes delivery of their package.
21:03:09: The delivery point only has one way in, about a hundred yards away from a gated entry.  @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) has taken the precaution of wrapping that entire entry-way with barbed wire.  The only issue with barbed wire in this day and age is that once spotted, it can be avoided.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) ignites their rocket boots, attempting to vault over the death trap.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) almost makes it, but is caught on their ankles, immediately becoming a tangled bloody mess in @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson)'s trap. Frantic, @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) activates their shield generator which creates a kinetic field of energy around their body, and it successfully severs most of the barbed wire.  Limping, @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) hustles towards the remainder of the delivery path, lobbing grenades over their shoulder.  As @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) manically runs after @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) firing rounds in their direction, they are caught in one of @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy)'s grenades, losing a leg.  @peepso_user_322(Shadowrabbit Clayguy) continues, hobbling, towards the delivery point.
22:03:54: Package delivered by Shadowrabbit Clayguy for $100,000