23:42:41: Package picked up by Ziggy Stardust
23:42:42: Blaylock Samson steadily took aim from a second story window as Ziggy Stardust ran by below.  Sweat dotting their forehead, Blaylock Samson inhaled sharply and squeezed the trigger.  It was a miss.  Ziggy Stardust resumes delivery, trying to ignore the echoing rifle shot and fragments of wall exploding just overhead.
05:25:12: Ziggy Stardust is bloody from head to toe after a rough number of successful entanglements.  "Geronimo, fuckstick!"  They look up at the voice and see a a dot in the sky.  It quickly turns into two dots:  a sky born Sonny Bill Spider on a rocket powered hang-glider, and the portable thermonuclear device they've dropped.  "Parcel transferred," can be heard from dispatch as Sonny Bill Spider swoops past the mangled corpse and snags the package.
07:43:20: Package delivered by Sonny Bill Spider for $40,000