14:18:12: Package picked up by Tharg The Mighty One
14:18:13: @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) misses their double-fisted pistol shots.   A sad attempt involving a total of 24 rounds fired at @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One).  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) resumes delivery of their package.
15:11:34: Someone once told @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) that the best way to handle this job is if you keep it strictly business.  Not personal.  Do not concern yourself with revenge.  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) knows @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) has stolen one too many packages from them before, but brushes the sweat from their brow, banishing that memory.  The heaviness of the EK40 surface to air missile launcher is starting to wear on @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) but the time is almost here.  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s ship comes over the horizon.  There it is. @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco)'s finger closes around the trigger loosely, causing the launcher to commence lock-on.  A small repetitive beep turns into a single tone, signaling the moment for action.  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) is surprised however as the rocket launches behind them instead of in front due to user error.  This mistake would sting @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) the most, if not for the tower of rocket fuel they have chosen as their location.  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s ship rolls successfully by the towering pyre of incinerating flame, package still in tow.
17:07:07: There are automatic rifles and there are these.  The GZNKA tank killer is surprisingly light as @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) hefts it on their shoulder.  The rounds are known to puncture holes two feet wide through heavy ship armor, and are held in a backpack and fed via sling.  It is this reason alone that @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) has used it, targeting @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s ship as it races across the horizon.  However, @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s ship is not only retrofitted with two meter thick armor, but also an electronic shielding system.  @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson)'s rounds do find their way through the shields, but only make it one foot into the armor.  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) dips their ship, skirting past @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) and giving them third degree thruster burns across half of their body.
18:57:56: @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) stumbles into their own trap:  a hole dug in the ground full of Ixyotik Death Wasps meant to ensure @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s destruction.  Instead @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) resumes on their way, @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson)'s agonizing screams ringing in their ears.
20:03:56: @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) is on a roll, carving a violent swathe through everything in their path when they enter a crossroads.  Dangerous territory.  A field of Space Bastards, but @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) smiles.  Winners aren't born; they're built.  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) lets loose a volley of grenades while igniting their rocket boots, soaring over the carnage below.  One failed attempt.  Two.  Three.  Four.  Each attempted theft of the package raises @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One)'s adrenaline.  @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) fires a wrist mounted laser, signing the hip of @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One).  "Not today, my friend."  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) twists in mid-air and strafes the area with bullets, hitting @peepso_user_7(Blaylock Samson) four times square in the torso and then resumes delivery.
21:09:42: Today started as a uniquely bright one for @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco).  A wonderful breakfast.  "Have a great day at the service," and a kiss from their lover.  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) mused, "Why ruin a good thing?  I'll steal a package instead of being the idiot that always starts a delivery."  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) took their time, looking at the myriad of packages currently traversing the universe as well as the armaments at their disposal.  "Ah, that's the one.  I'm here already."  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) put on their favorite guilty pleasure of a song on an audio device, and hummed along, out of tune, as they laid down a multi-celled rocket launcher in the middle of the street on a hefty tripod.  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) crouched a fair distance away, readying their goggles and watching for @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) to come running down the road, package in tow.  "I know this one.  Never been able to handle their Zygerian Rum.  They won't be able to handle this either."  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) came into view.  @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) pushed the hand-held trigger mechanism.  Suddenly, the rocket launcher whirled on it's pivot, pointing at the abode @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) had just left.  "What?  How?"  As the rockets burnt the denizens inside to a crisp, @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) barely heard @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) running by shouting, "Always pack a signal disrupter, dickhead!"  @peepso_user_134(Tharg The Mighty One) continued on without breaking a step, the package remaining in tow.
22:36:02: Package delivered by Tharg The Mighty One for $120,000