17:38:14: Package picked up by O.D. Bodkins
17:38:15: @peepso_user_9(Mac Nielson) misses their double-fisted pistol shots.   A sad attempt involving a total of 24 rounds fired at @peepso_user_221(O.D. Bodkins).  @peepso_user_221(O.D. Bodkins) resumes delivery of their package.
18:04:49: @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) steadily took aim from a second story window as @peepso_user_221(O.D. Bodkins) ran by below.  Sweat dotting their forehead, @peepso_user_8(Ignoracious Buttafucco) inhaled sharply and squeezed the trigger.  It was a miss.  @peepso_user_221(O.D. Bodkins) resumes delivery, trying to ignore the echoing rifle shot and fragments of wall exploding just overhead.
18:40:05: Package delivered by O.D. Bodkins for $40,000